The loss of a loved one is an emotional ordeal that is often combined with a tedious administrative burden, and one is rarely prepared for it.
Firstly, Etude 352 pays attention to the ties that unite the heirs, to determine the methods of communication with each of them. Clients attend a first meeting as soon as the succession is opened because it is essential to describe to them the framework and the challenges of their file without delay. During this meeting, the notary gives the client an engagement letter detailing the missions that he shall carry out in their file: those that are mandatory and those that he can take on at their request.
An inheritance file takes less than six months to be processed, when the collaboration between the heirs and the notary is fruitful and everyone assumes their share of the work. In regard to the client: grouping of essential documents, valuations of real estate and termination of subscriptions is required. As for the notary: questioning of all the financial organizations and preparation of the deeds of succession.
The notary’s fees are detailed in the engagement letter and the firm sends its clients the overall cost of the succession (including fees and duties due to the State) as soon as the value of the succession’s assets has been established.
Moreover, the firm’s expertise in judicial succession allows the team to guide its clients towards the search for a consensus between the heirs or an amicable solution when the heirs have opposing wishes. A deed of partition can be advised in order to ensure financial independence for each of the heirs, each leaving with a part of the assets of the inheritance. When this solution is not feasible due to a lack of agreement between the heirs, Etude 352 informs its clients about the future management procedures for assets that have remained undivided or dismembered.